RESUME Mitchell Y. Yurchick (

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Position of Software Developer, System Programmer
Position of Web-administrator/Web-master, Network/Systems Administrator within a developing Internet/Intranet applications
My face
  Qualifications summary
Five years experience in software development.
One year experience in web mastering.
One year experience in Unix system administration.
Development and production support, client-server application for Internet/Intranet.
Installation, programming, support and administration Linux- and FreeBSD- based servers.
Initiativeness, adaptability, leadership and working-in-a-team skills. Creative and innovative. Neighborly as workman. Not married. No children.
  Relevant experience and skills
  • Hardware
    • Intel-based PC (i8080 - Pentium processor)
  • Programming languages, development tools
    • Clipper 5.01, 5.2
    • CA-Visual Objects 1.0c
    • Perl 5.005
    • CGI 1.0
    • HTML 3.2, 4.0
    • JavaScript
    • C++ (gnu, Borland C++ v.5)
    • Java: JDK 1.1.7
    • SQL
    • Borland Pascal (4.0-7.0)
    • Borland Turbo Assembler
    • MS Help Compiler 3
  • Operating systems:
    • Windows family: Windows 3.xx, 95, 98
    • Unix (Linux: Caldera OL, RedHat, Slackware; FreeBSD 2.2.x)
  • Networking
    • Ethernet
    • TCP/IP
    • MS Network
  Other experience
  • Microsoft Office
  • Adobe Photoshop with much additional filtres
  • Adobe Premiere
  • Primarily in 3D studio max
  • Install/deinstall any hardware and pheripheral devices and it's tuning
  • Diploma in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mathematics (June 1999), Ulyanovsk State University (former Ulyanovsk branch of Moscow State University)
    Major: stability and control of mechanical systems
    Research papers
    • "Determining lavaliere of the car by numeric methods" (1998),
    • "Stability of spatial mechanical system upon non-stationary influency" (1997),
    • "Stability of planar mechanical system upon non-stationary influency" (1996).
    Relevant courses
    • programming,
    • graphical modeling,
    • stability and control,
    • mechanics of solid body,
    • modeling and basics of system analysis,
    • logical programming,
    • numeric analysis,
    • engineer's software of computation systems,
    • mathematical statistics,
    • theory of chances and theory of random processes.
  • December 1998 - January 1999:
    Design a web-pages for Ulyanovsk Smithy. Participation - as a web-master.
  • September 1998 - present:
    Job by system programmer/analyst, software developer in Ulyanovsk State Technical University (Ul.S.T.U.). Developing automatisation program in CA-Visual Objects for administration of Ul.S.T.U.
  • September 1998 - present:
    Job by TV-leader and by co-author of a telecast about computers and Internet "Press a key" in city's TV "Gubernsky channel".
  • October 1997 - August 1998:
    Developing a help file for book-keeper's program "Salary". Participation - as a technical writer and programmer / analyst. Development environment - CA-Visual Objects, MS-Help Compiler.
  • July 1995 - October 1997:
    Job by system programmer/analyst, software developer. Developing one of eleven programs in Clipper, wich makes automatization the book-keeping for large-business companies. Customer - "Ulyanovsk Energo" company.
  Freeware developing
  • May 1998- August 1998:
    Developing and programming a chat-program for web servers. Development environment - Perl 5.003, CGI1.0, HTML3.2, JavaScript. Participation - as a web-master, programmer/alalyst.

  • April 1998 - May1998:
    Installation and configuration Unix, making Intranet, design Intranet's web server. Job by system administrator, web-master

  • January 1995 - March 1995:
    Developing software for IBM PC-compatible computers, wich shows configuration (likes to MS Diagnostic). Participation - as a system programmer, analyst. Development environment - TurboPascal 7.0, Turbo Assembler.